

Welcom to SiGMA social network

This script is programmed by PHP and based on Laravel . This platform is coded based on Twitter and has many features of this system . This system uses Bootstrap framework and JavaScript library .
This system supports 3 languages such as English, Persian and Danish by default . Google Translator is also used for easier translation . For maximum security, the minimum available packages have been used .
Leave your comments with us to upgrade and improve this system .
Support Email :
Powered By
UI & Ux Designer : Amin Khadivar
Main Programmer : Amin Khadivar
Partners : Farshid Mahmudi , f.Bina

Main Page look like this : Sigma.Social Features that you have see in the Main Page :

The Header contains this sections

Logo , Search Box , Login and Register button , Language , Setting

The Main Sidebar contains this sections

Home link , All Users page , Documentation , All Category and All Pages added by admin

The Story contains this sections

All Story added by users in 24h ago

The Posts contains this sections

Includes 2 tabs of the latest posts and trends

The Content Sidebar contains this sections

Includes ads and suggested users and also trending hashtags used in post added in 24h ago

The Footer contains this sections

CopyRight and Powered system


To install the script, first run the following command

npm install

Run this command to create the database

php artisan migrate

Run this command to create the database seeder

php artisan db:seed

Finally run this command to run the program

php artisan serve

Login and Registration

You can register with this link : Register
Or Login to panel with this link : Login


After Register or Login to site you redirect to Dashboard page and access to your panel .
Also you access theme in Sidebar collapsed "My Panel" Features that you have access in your panel :

My Profile

The My Profile contains this sections

You can see your cover and avatar profile and this is editable by click on this sections
  1. Your Name and your profile address
  2. Post , Followers and Following count and by click on Following and Followers you can see the Users followed you or you followed theme on modal .
  3. You see the Biography and your website and social network linked , such as facebook , twitter , instagram and telegram .
  4. At the bottom the user information , you see the send post box and after click on it the Send Post modal opened
  5. Displayed your posts

Edit Profile

The Edit Profile contains this sections

    You can edit your personal information include :
  1. Your Name and your profile address
  2. Biography
  3. Your website and social network linked , such as facebook , twitter , instagram and telegram .
  4. And secret data include email and password

The Following User Posts

In this section, you will see the posts of the users you have followed

Liked Posts

In this section, you will see the posts of the users you have liked

Saved Posts

In this section, you will see the posts of the users you have liked


In this section you can chat with users online. Just enter the user name or username in the search box and press Enter to open the user page. Let's start!

Sent Post and Story

After logged in your account , you can send Post and Story

Send Post modal

This modal include Title, Description , Image or Video upload section , choose Post Language and choose enable or disable Comments for your post

You can create a new hashtag by typing #Your_Hashtag or choose from previous hashtags and You can also type @admin to mention existing users and send a notification to the person .

Send Story modal

This modal include Image upload section and Story description


You can see last Notifications .


You can see default Languages .

RTL (Right to Left) Version

User Access

This section include User Name and after dropdown menu opened , see Dashboard , Profile , Edit Profile and finally Loguot .


Click the Setting icon to open SideNav and you can change the Display default color to dark or light Mode .

After Click the Setting icon SideNav opened and you can Switch Theme Color to dark or light Mode .
Also include Google Translate in this section .

Dark Mode Look like this , Let's Test it!

Post Details

The general structure of the site posts

Title and Description

In this section you see post title if existed and post description .
If you upload an image or video, it will be displayed in this section .


You can Like post with press this button


Post link and more description

Post View

Show Post Viewers in this section

Post Language

Show Post Language shared by users

Post Comment

Click this button and see Comment box and share comment quickly .

Save Post

In this section, you can save posts and archive it on Dashboard / Saved Post

Share Post

In this section, you can share posts on your profile

In this section, you can share posts with your opinion on your profile

after Click on Share with Quote you see Quote Modal and share your opinion

Report Post

In this section, you can report illegal posts

Admin Panel

The admin menu is visible for users who have admin access in Main Sidebar.

Admin Panel include this sections

Site Setting

The admin menu is visible for users who have admin access in Main Sidebar.

Site Setting Includes the following sections

Admin Posts

In this section, you have access to all user posts and you can delete posts if needed.

Admin Users

In this section, you have access to all users and you can delete users if needed.

Edit Users

In this section you can verify users or change their access to the admin user.
Verified users will receive a blue tick
Attention : if user access to the admin panel, they can delete posts, hashtags, categories, pages and users.

Admin Tags

In this section, you have access to all Tags and you can delete posts if needed.

Admin Categories

In this section, you have access to all Categories and you can Add , edit and delete posts if needed.

Reported Posts

In this section, you have access to all Posts reported by users

Admin Pages

In this section, you have can create pages . All pages show in the Main Sidebar based on language you choosed .

Archive Pages

In this section, you see all pages and Add , edit and Delete pages .